Melissa Thredgold
- Job Role: Tenancy Officer
- Favourite Movie: Stand By Me
- Favourite Food: Mexican
- Dream Pet: Tamarin Monkey
- Dream Holiday: England
- Interests/Hobbies: Gardening & Camping
- Something quirky about you: 3rd Toe is my longest toe
- Best/Worst Joke: “How do monkeys make toast? They Gorilla it.”
Mikaela Storti
- Job Role: Customer Support Officer
- Favourite Movie: The Lion King
- Favourite Food: Potatoes (ALL ways)
- Dream Pet: A Border Collie
- Dream Holiday: Sicily
- Interests/Hobbies: Reading, Pilates & Degustation’s
- Something quirky about you: I eat kiwi with the skin on
- Best/Worst Joke: “Did you hear about the Italian chef who died? He pasta-way.”