While you may be familiar with Angela and Justin we are pleased to introduce two new members to the team – Kathryn and Donna. Our goal is to ensure that our services are targeted to your needs and your experience with YourPlace Housing is a great one.
We are here to support you with your tenancy, particularly when things in your life change. Over the next 6 months or so we are planning to run a number of tenant engagement activities and the team and I look forward to catching up with some of you.
Feel free to call us on 8351 8466 if you have any questions about your tenancy, to provide feedback or just to have a chat. Keep warm during the chilly months ahead.
- Position: Senior Manager, Services
- Favourite Movie: The Martian
- Favourite Food: Potatoes
- Dream Pet: Dogs
- Favourite Music: Disco
- Dream Holiday: Somewhere warm
- Interest/Hobbies: Nintendo switch, stand up comedy (watching not performing)
- Something about you: Formerly an avid rock climber
- Best/worst joke: What’s brown and sticky? A stick.
- Position: Senior Tenancy Officer
- Favourite Movie: Avengers: End Game
- Favourite Food: Pepperoni Pizza
- Dream Pet: Any dog, love all dogs
- Favourite Music: Rap/Hip hop
- Dream Holiday: To space with Elon Musk
- Interest/Hobbies: Football, Mixed Martial Arts and cooking different types of pizza
- Something about you: Huge collection of sneakers, hats and basketball singlets
- Best/worst joke: If anyone gets a message from me about canned meat don’t open it. It’s SPAM!
- Position: Tenancy Officer
- Favourite Movie: To Kill a Mockingbird
- Favourite Food: Mexican & Indian
- Dream Pet: Baby Elephant, Giraffe and a Sloth
- Favourite Music: Anything with a beat
- Dream Holiday: East coast & northern Africa
- Interest/Hobbies: Travelling
- Something about you: Love collecting & wearing character socks
- Best/worst joke: What did the ocean say to the beach? Nothing it just waved.
- Position: Tenancy Officer
- Favourite Movie: Shawshank Redemption
- Favourite Food: Thai
- Dream Pet: Bear
- Favourite Music: Country and Blues
- Dream Holiday: Bora Bora
- Interest/Hobbies: Jigsaw puzzles, crosswords, beach, hiking, camping and reading
- Something about you: I lived in Japan for 2 years and can speak some Japanese
- Best/worst joke: What did baby corn say to mama corn? Where is pop corn.