Our New Complaints Policy
Based on the results of the recent Tenant Survey we have revamped our Complaints Management policy and procedure to ensure that the process is accessible, transparent, and responsive.
We value complaints and recognise them as part of our business of serving our tenants, their families, and support networks.
Acting on, learning from, and using complaint data helps us identify problems and improve our services.
A copy of the new Complaints Policy is enclosed for your information. An “Easy Read” version of the policy is also available on our website.
Our New Appeals Policy
Again, based on your feedback we have re-drafted our Appeals Management Policy to streamline the process.
YourPlace Housing has appointed a Complaints and Appeals Management Lead, a staff member dedicated to working with our customers to resolve complaints and appeals. The Complaints and Appeals Management Lead will support you and your family, or support network throughout the process until a resolution is achieved.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us on 08 8351 8466 or complaintsandappeals@yourplacehousing.com.au if you have any queries or would like to provide feedback on these new policies.