Tenant Survey Results – Thank you!
We would like to give a huge thank you to all the tenants and those who supported them who completed and returned the YourPlace Housing Biennial Tenant Satisfaction Survey.
41% Response Rate
This was well above National Regulatory System KPI benchmark of 25% which is a small decrease in comparison to the return rate from 2021 survey.
The 10 lucky recipients of the $50 voucher draw have been contacted and we hope they enjoy whatever purchase they choose to make.
A summary of the results of the survey will be published on our website shortly and will help guide our future service delivery and respond to the needs of our tenants.
Message from Maintenance
Over the last few months, you may have noticed that some of your calls to the Maintenance Team have been diverted to our after hours service – Call Connect.
This was a temporary solution to ensure that any maintenance requests were attended to in a timely manner whilst we recruited a new team member. We are delighted to advise that Mikaela Storti has joined YourPlace Housing as the Customer Service Officer, Maintenance. Part of Mikaela’s role will be to respond to, and action any urgent maintenance requests between 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday. Calls outside of these times and on weekends or public holidays will continue to be managed by Call Connect as has been the case for some time now.
There may be occasions when calls during business hours can’t be answered in-house due to staff absences and these calls will now go to our maintenance voicemail for us to follow up.
On behalf of the team at YourPlace Housing we thank you for your patience and understanding during this transitionary period.
Remember If you have a maintenance issue you can either:
- Call 8351 8466 and select option 1 for Maintenance.
- Send an email to maintenance@yourplacehousing.com.au and use your name and address as the subject line. Simply enter your request into the body of the email.
- Go to the YourPlace Housing website Maintenance and Repairs Report a Repair
Complaints & Appeals
Are you unhappy with YourPlace housing services? Do you wish to make a complaint or appeal a decision made by us?
Regardless of whether it is a simple or complex issue, we aim to treat it seriously and work with you to resolve the matter.
If you wish to contact us about a complaint or appeal you can call us on 08 8351 8466, send an email to complaintsandappeals@yourplacehousing.com.au or lodge online via our website.